Monday, December 6, 2010

Really Cool Stuff

Looks like I'll get another post in before we get knocked back down to slower internet speeds. :) I'd like to share a couple of websites with y'all. The first one is All Free Sewing. The best thing about them (and the one thing that drew me) is that you can get free patterns! The also have some free ebooks you can download that are full of helpful hints, ideas and patterns. You should check'em out. Right now, they're doing a give-away for a book about altering patterns to fit /you/. I really need something like this so I have to admit to some reluctance to blog about it to you all. LOL Here's the link: so that you can also sign up to win the book. While you're there, be sure to sign up for their newsletter. I have gotten lots of great ideas and patterns from them. I hope you'll enjoy the site. They didn't pay me for doing this. It does give me another entry to win the book, though.

The second place you should visit is Cupcakes and Crinoline. A great friend of mine writes it and always posts creative ideas. Sometimes she does give-aways. She also has a shopping page with a few items. She's just recently started out so I wanted to help her get some more visitors to her blog. I hope you'll visit today and see the cute cookie ideas she posted! :) I think we're gonna try out the Christmas Caroler Cookies. They look like fun and they seem easy enough to modify. We may also try the chocolate reindeer cookies.

Well, I hope you are all having a great holiday season and I hope that it only gets better from here on in. :) I hope to talk to you soon!
Laugh a lot!

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