I'm trying to get some online stuff done before the rain clouds obscure the satellite signal. I like the fair to middlin' speed of the satellite internet but the inconsistency of the signal drives me nuts! It'd be really nice to live in a place where my $89 could be put to better use.
I went to visit my grandmother last week, as I stated in an earlier blog. We had a nice visit and I was able to help her get some of the harder chores finished. I'm not sure when they'll call me to go again but I have to get my housework done in preparation for it. I know they will call again sometime! While I was visiting with her, I learned how to do the fire wyrm chainmail weave. I am soooo stoked! It's a nice, heavy chain that holds it shape well and it's only 10.5" so far! I need it to be between 28 and 30 inches, I believe. Anyway, I am really excited about it and I will post pix on my chainmail site for anyone who wants to view them. You can click the link at the side of the page here and you'll go right to my chainmail site.
(Hold on a sec! Out of coffee and going for refill...)
My garden grows! It's alive! My anemones are sprouting up and I'm hoping to see the glads sending shoots up soon. My hydrangeas may not make it, though. Alas! It may just be too hot and dry. I'm hoping the rain (if it comes our way) will help matters but we'll just have to see. My butterfly and hummingbird garden is doing ok. I still need to do some work in it but it must be carefully done. There are ants involved.