It's been many months since my last post. I've been considering what I should blog about for at least 2 months. Since my emotions have been on a roller coaster ride lately, it was much better to wait to post something. :D I also wanted to write more '10 Things' posts and I think I've finally found one that will work well for least for today. This will actually be 20 things in total but you'll see...
10 Things That Make Me Super Happy (in no particular order)
1. I absolutely love to sip my coffee on a quiet morning. This gives me a peaceful start to my day and in turn makes my day run a lot smoother which in turn makes me super happy!
2. I am super happy when the people I choose to spend my time with, those to whom I choose to give my friendship and those whom I love, tell me the truth. If I ask you a question, you can be sure I considered that there might be a negative response to it. You can actually be sure that I've considered at least /several/ responses to that question. Don't be afraid. Tell me the truth.
3. I am super happy when I get to read things I enjoy without interruption. Speaking of this, reading The Oatmeal comics makes me really happy. Reading political cartoons makes me happy. Reading an excellent sci-fi or fantasy book makes me happy. Reading an excellent manga makes me happy. Reading through my kids baby books makes me happy. I think you get the picture...
4. I am super happy when I hear a favorite song(s). I'm also super happy when I can learn to sing those songs or learn to play them on an instrument.
5. I am super happy when I can be the reason that my husband or my kids is smiling.
6. I am super happy when I know I've done the right thing and it resulted in something super awesome.
7. I am super happy when I can be of help to someone who truly needs my help and won't abuse my kindness.
8. I am super happy when I look around me at the beauty in nature. I love to walk outside and just breathe. I'm glad I live in the country because I'm pretty sure this would not make the list if I lived in Los Angeles.
9. I am super happy to make new and interesting friends from all over the place. This is the one thing I miss about Twitter. I met some really awesome people there.
10. I am super happy when I think of all the many wonderful blessings I have and count them one by one. They add up quick and it's easy to see how truly blessed I am. Even if I only counted up to 4, I'd still consider myself extremely blessed.
10 Things That Make Me Angry (in no particular order)
1. Don't lie to me. I hate it. How can I form any kind of a relationship with you if you lie to me. Relationships based on lies will die painful, horrible deaths and result is the loss of so many good possibilities.
2. Don't ostracize people. I hate it. All people have value of some kind. Sometimes you have to look really hard to find that value but it's there.
3. I hate senseless waste and careless disposal of waste. How hard is it to throw a diaper in a plastic bag and find a trash bin when you're at Wal-Mart? We may not know who you are specifically but I'd like to let you know that if you are among the number of people who have done that, you are a lazy bum. I don't wish it on you but if you stepped in a diaper that someone else like you left on the ground, it would serve you right. Karma, baby...
4. Don't push your ideals or beliefs on me. I am an adult with a mind that works relatively well. In the words of a most excellent song, you do your thing, I'll do mine. Do you really think I'll come over to your way of thinking if you push me? (And having said that, I don't ever want to push my ideals or beliefs onto anyone else, either, so if any of you find me doing this, please do bring it to my attention. It will probably be a case of saying/wording it incorrectly, but it should still be brought to my attention.)
5. I hate it when I do the right thing but the result is painful.
This makes me angry.
6. It makes me angry when I make mistakes. I mean, didn't I calculate all possible outcomes? Didn't I read the directions carefully enough?
7. It makes me angry when people tell me I'm wrong about a decision I have to make that will affect my life. Please. If you want to offer advice, that's great. But don't expect me to take your advice just because I asked or just because it's you who gave me the advice. You are not God. You are not my boss. You are not my king. Get over it. (PS This is something I also had to get over. LOL)
8. It makes me angry when I have to say no when I really want to say yes. This applies to my kids more than any other life situation.
9. It makes me angry when I have to explain myself twenty times. I'm complex and weird. Isn't that enough reason for you? Just go with it. Trust me, you'll be happier and I know I will be.
10. It makes me angry when people who have the greatest potential (at least in my eyes) decide they'd rather throw their lives away on miserable half-existences. Of course, there might be those who feel that I'm doing this but I like my life and I feel that I'm as productive as I can be at this point...or at least pretty close. And having said all this, I'd never be so rude as to go up to someone and just tell them they're wasting all that potential. It's something they have to discover for themselves...but it still makes me angry to see all that waste.
OK. So. These are by no means a complete list. That would take a lifetime, I suppose. Feel free to comment but keep the comments positive. Negative or rude comments will be deleted without any kind of worded response. Also, until I figure out a few things, I apologize for the 'compact' nature of this blog post and the lack of traditional paragraph divisions. Hope you all have a nice day! Laugh a lot and remember to breathe!