I really am so blessed. I didn't feel much like being thankful or joyful at all this morning. But I look back on the things that have happened since I last posted and I can see so many good things. I've met so many new and fabulous people online and it's such a joy to have conversations with them. There aren't so many preconceptions or expectations. You don't have to look or be perfect. You just need to be yourself. What is really upsetting to me is the fact that this is the way it should be when you meet folks face to face. Ah, well. Preconditioned to judge as we are, I guess it can only be helped when you actively try to overcome it. This is something I'm still working on. Having said all that, I love my new online friends and wish them joy and peace where ever they find themselves.
As for blessings at home, I've been working on a sewing project. I finally tackled a bustier that's been cut out for at least two years. I just finished it today. I finished a matching skirt yesterday and cut out a chemise that will be worn under them. I haven't started sewing the chemise yet, but I hope to finish it by the weekend. It's coming out well. I beaded the ribbon sleeves of the bustier. I also beaded the front of the skirt. I love all the embellishments. They are my favorite part of any project! :) I'll post a pic of it before I beaded it. When I get done, I'll post pix of the completed project.
It's been kinda gray today and yesterday. We saw the sun sporadically today. I went to the library and picked up some more Louisiana books. I also snagged a copy of 'The Jewel in the Skull' by Michael Moorcock. I've never read anything of his before...at least, not that I'm aware of. I've read a lot of stuff over the years. LOL We'll see how it goes. I love what I've read so far. He paints a very pretty picture.
Well, it will be time for a new look soon. I've decided to cut my hair short again. I'm thinking about a similar style to the female voiced by Drew Barrymore in Titan A.E. but not sure how that will work with my face shape. (sigh) Trying out a new hairstyle is so stressful. It'll be different though. I'd love to just be able to run my hands through my hair and go in the mornings. If it's not wash and go, I'm not interested. I have better things to do with my time than spend it on my hair. LOL
Last but certainly not least, the local theater group held auditions for a new play a few weeks ago. My husband, who's never done anything of the kind, read and got the lead role! We were there to offer help where it was needed, whether with sets or costumes or whatever. It was so totally unexpected and he's so totally stoked. It's been a really good thing. Now if he can just survive the performance. :) There is a lot of action involved and it's a comedy. I can't wait to see the finished production.
I guess that's about all for right now. As ever, I'll try to post more often but we all know how that's going to go... LOL!
Laugh a Lot!
Hey! It's GAFlygirl from twitter. I envy you for being able to sew. I have a machine, and don't have a clue how to use it. LOL I keep hoping to learn soon.. if I can even figure out how to put it together. haha.
hair- ah yes.. my hair is namturally curly so when i DO do something with it, I just scrunch it gel it and voila.. I'm good to go.. with a headband too. :-)
Have a good week!
We wuv you too! Watch what you wish for though you just may get it. I'm twice as snarky in person and can talk faster than I type .. Think about that a minute as I think up some "Drama Queen" jokes to use on your hubby or as the Twitter hashtag would go #jeremyisabully or #muahahahaha
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