You guys know about welfare programs like medicaid, WIC, etc. These programs are funded with taxpayer money. You probably know that, too. What you may not realize is how the laws for these programs work in your state. Every state has different laws concerning these programs. I think, basically, these are good and that we should keep them up and running. I think each state should remain in control of their own programs to help their own people. I think giving the federal goverment control over any of these programs gives them more control over our states and over us. I think that our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves at what our country has become and what our leaders seem to be trying to accomplish. And you know what? For right now, I'm free to do that. Think, I mean. I'm free to have my own opinion and post it in this blog. They can't arrest me for putting my thoughts down on paper.
If we let the federal government take over the public welfare programs and spread a net of universal "health" care, what exactly are we letting ourselves in for? These are my thoughts on government programs that exist to help people.
A really good friend, who I admire and love posted this on a social networking site. (And she is free to express her opinions, too. And she won't be arrested for doing so. It is truly great to live in a free country!) Here's her post: No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick. If you agree, please post this as your status for the rest of the day.
This is what I posted in reply: Idealistically, this is fabulous and truly a lovely thought. But the honest truth is that so many people abuse the privelages set up by the states to help those in need. There are many more that abuse the helpful programs than those that use them in the way the programs were originally intended. I really truly wish there was a good plan for taking care of those who are truly in need. But I think this should be left up to each state to decide, not the federal government. Not attacking anyone, just stating my opinion.
She posted a reply back to me and commented on how she'd been to five states and known people who had come up against so much red tape and confusion they didn't try to get the help they needed. She expressed a wish that we could come up with a program that would work across the board, something similar to the military.
(The military does have a system that does work, even if it falls short of ideal.)
I replied with: I think the problem lies within the state legislatures and with those who abuse the privelages. The old adage that we all heard in school still applies. The good, unfortunately, suffer along with the bad. But the way it is out here, the ones who abuse the privelages know all the loopholes and teach their kids and so we have generations upon generations of folks using government programs. GA seems to have a good plan, or at least they did. Once you get on the program you have a certain amount of time (it's decent) to get a job or train for a job and get a job and you cannot have any more kids while you are on the program. I'm sure there are those who would find this restrictive and maybe even unfair. But let's face it, a lot of families get on government programs and have more kids just so they can get more money. And they never try to get off the program. These government programs were set up to help people get THROUGH a hard time, not pay them to do nothing for the rest of their lives and teach their kids to do the same. It's really sad. So many smart people with so much potential don't even try to realize that potential and use it to better their situation. And there are many programs out and about to help them achieve that. But they have to work to find them. I think if the help was at least easier to find, things might improve a little. But we have created (perhaps allowed would have been a better word here) a mindset that has been continued and indeed, encouraged, for so many years. To overcome this would take a great deal of drastic reform and it really needs to be done by each state. If people really want to get help, they find a way to get it. If nothing else, you can ask around. The government offices are always listed in the phone book and they have to answer your questions. Confusion and fear should not ever stand between you and your family's health and welfare. I do understand what you are saying. And I think that people should be willing to "work" hard to get what their family requires. If you don't work, you don't eat. If you can't find work, go visit your family and friends and do odd jobs until you can find a settled job. Just b/c you don't like the smell of the McDonald's kitchen doesn't mean you shouldn't try to get hired on, if that's the only job available. (Gosh I'm mouthy this week!) I really am not trying to offend anyone. These are just my feelings on the subject. My mom works for the state so I do have some background knowlege from that perspective. And I was also a WIC mom so I have some perspective from there as well. We qualified for WIC while we were living in TX but we only went twice. After that, I decided we could handle things on our own, even on single income. I did use WIC and was grateful for it when Noah and Shiloh were eligible. But I didn't stay on the program when I figured out we could afford to buy our own stuff! So, there is my very long-winded, short novel on my wordy opinion.
I stopped there. I'm hoping she accepts my opinion for exactly opinion. Having stated the above, I should probably also state that while I was growing up my family was a prime candidate for welfare but b/c we were a farming family and owned land, we didn't qualify. Apparently, if you own land, you could sell that land. Obiviously farmers don't need land to farm. But somehow, we made it through. Well, in my opinion, it was God who got us through. But I'll tell you something. We didn't have name brand clothes unless someone handed it down to us or bought it for us for Christmas. We didn't wear the fanciest shoes money could buy. We didn't have the coolest jewelry or gadgets. We made do with what we had. I remember one Christmas, when I was probably about 8 or so, we had gone to the mall. I found this really pretty mermaid doll. I wanted it so badly. We were going to see Santa that night. I asked Santa for that doll. I had set it up in my mind that if I got that doll, then Santa must be real b/c mom and dad couldn't afford to buy that doll. How awful my mother must have felt! When Christmas came, I got a mermaid doll but it wasn't the really pretty one from the mall. It was the best my mom and dad could do for me. She tried. But Santa died for me that Christmas and I guess I've been a realist ever since. Not a pessimist! Please don't confuse the two! I still keep a light of hope in my heart. His name is Yeshua. Right underneath his light is the light of hope created by my three children and my husband. Even now, I can't always get the stuff my kids want but I do the best I can. Sometimes it means they can get exactly what they want. Sometimes, they have to wait. But I don't hide the facts about money from them. They need to know that you have to work hard to get what you want. They also need to learn the value of patience and the glory of earning something b/c you worked hard to achieve it. Giving out free money to citizens and then having them scorn you because you're too stupid to do the same thing they are doing, is this what I paid for? I DON'T THINK SO. And then having them tell you to your face that you “owe them money” and knowing they are lifetime welfare folks who are not even trying to get hired on somewhere? NOT EVEN!